Friday, April 15, 2011

Long time no type

It's been a little while since I updated last, We are now in Georgia and have met with lawyers. We have set a date to get married, and only have to go pick out rings now. It\s crazy living here is such a product shock, I went to get Nolan "cheesy noodles" Kraft Dinner and cannot seem to find it anywhere. I am also dying for Tim Horton's, these coffee places suck I have come to the conclusion that I am gonna have to ship timmies down here. I miss my family but am finding a great comfort in talking to them everyday, Nolan misses them a lot too he talks to them on his toy phone and tells them he misses them too.  Some days I just wish I could jump on a bus and go see them for a few hours. It's definitely nice here we finally got Nolan his new bedroom outft so now he has a big boy bed, It's a twin bedroom outfit that's NFL themed. We got him a outer space sheet set and I just noticed it glows in the dark. Well I promise to write more often now that we are settled in.

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