Sunday, June 5, 2011

I have been really slacking on posts and I am sorry for that. I have been quite busy, we went to Kentucky, Nolan has had strep then when he got all better he got some other cold type illness that had his temperature at 102.8 So ts been kinda crazy. So I will start with Kentucky we went for the long weekend and i have now officially met Charlies other side of the family, I don't know why I was so stressed out about it because they were amazingly friendly and so sweet to Nolan and I. He has one of the coolest families I have met in my life they all get along and are funny as hell man. I cannot wait to go hang out with them again. So Nolan being sick has been quite the experience I should start off by saying that Nolans only ever been sick maybe 4 times and had antibiotics twice now, So it was quite a new thing for me, it was so sad for me to sit and watch him be all wheezy and congested. So he educated himself on the show Whale Wars on Animal planet, at time he got so into it he would start yelling at them no fighting. hes finally getting better now hes still congested but 100 times better than he was.
So Nolan and I both have come to the conclusion that it's so freaking hot here we might melt, Canada gets hot but this is a whole different kinda hot like in the 100's hot and it was still May when this was happening, At this moment I would pay crazy money for it to snow here lol. i know it will never happen but shit I can wish. 
It's also getting harder and harder to even speak of my family I really miss  them, I just want to hug them. I miss my uncle alot and I don't get to talk to him that much because its really hard for him, He was super close to Nolan, like he was Nolans male influence for a year. Nolan would call my uncle and talk to him and get so excited to see him and go in his truck, or go to the cottage with him. My life would be perfect if I could live down here and my family did as well. Nolan was swinging last night and asked me if he could go to uncle ray rays house. Every black or brown dog is ether Sam or Georgia to him it breaks my heart.

Nolan is no longer afraid of going in the car wash, he watched SharkTales and thinks its the Whale wash from the movie, so everytime we get in the car he asks if we can go to the car wash, which is better than him covering his eyes and shaking due to fright.  
I wish there was an app for blogger that I could post from that way I could just post more often and wouldn't need to get to the comp at home when I had a free moment in the car I could do it. Well I shall try to keep updating more regularly
Ta Ta For Now

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