Friday, March 11, 2011


Well I started packing my stuff today, I will be shipping the boxes later this week. I didn't think it would sneek up on us so fast, it seemed like so long when we first made the plans. So we spoke to the lawyer today he said it will take about 8 months to get the green card, And that we should apply for a fiancee visa and it could make it go faster. It's not like we have not talked about getting married before we just couldn't find the time, I told Charlie if he goes and makes some huge deal asking me to marry him I will tell him no. I am not the kind of person who deals well with being put on the spot in public, unless it's for comedic reasons. I still have not told most of my family, I spoke to my grandmother about it and I did tell her but it crushed her, she said she was going to have to space herself from us because it hurt her to much, I couldn't deal with that so I told her the next day that I was just going for 2 months and then would decide. I know it was really wrong of me to do that to her and it will most likely make it harder but I need to spend as much time with her and my uncle as possible before we leave.

I looked at phone plans today WTF is with Sprint and no IPhone? I have to go with Sprint as I am being put on Charlies parents company phone plan, But common who doesn't carry the IPhone it's the best one out there. I don't care for the android phones and that's all they seem to have, they don't even carry good BlackBerrys. All the phones I looked at have ether no flash for the camera, or are just ridiculously ugly and not practical for me. I think I am going to go with the HTC EVO 4G I don't like it but it seems to be the only good one they offer.

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